„Oil Rig Installation“ OFF THE RADAR FESTIVAL 2015

Well… it doesn’t take much to figure it out. Indeed, OFF THE RADAR festival is not exactly what you would call ‚eco-friendly‘ – lets be real! A shipping container traveling half way around the word and back, umpteen international flights for crew and artist, diesel generators, you name it!

Although it is our consciouns decision to refrain from industrial sponsors and corporate branding, we just haven’t quite yet got the hang of beating the global economy in its carbon footprint. But hey, everything you see here ranging from decor, stages, bars, fences right up to the infrastructure is almost exclusively created from demolition and recycled materials. Plans for using solar as the main source of power for OFF THE RADAR are already in the makings, however, at this stage it is still beyond our budget. We’re working on it!

What do we really think fo reckless exploration of recources? The oik rig installation in the lake says it all. considering the recent oil drilling developments, we sincerely hope that new zealand is spared a disaster like the one in 2010 caused by BP in the Mexical Gulf. And, next week we start a tree planting session, to make up for the container… word!
Have fun dancing.

Technische Umsetzung in Zusammenarbeit mit: Jim Reeves (Auckland/NZ)
Grafische Gestaltung: Philipp Kabbe (Hamburg/D)
Idee / Flyertext: Kathrin Schmidt (D,NZ)
Unterstützt durch: OFF THE RADAR FESTIVAL (NZ)

Video vom Festival, Dieselqueen (Hamburg / NZ)


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